But I'm back now, i swear.....thanks to windows vista thwarting nearly every attempt i made to upload pictures of finished projects, i got frustrated and this blog ended up rather on the back burner for far too long....
In the meantime, i've been quite productive knitting wise (in the rest of my life, that remains to be seen, but lets not go into that). This includes my first ever pair of socks, which were quite the adventure, a yoga mat bag and a cute red cabled purse.....if vista cooperates i will post pictures of these soon....
As far as works in progress, I am almost done with one of a pair of purple socks, knit in an absolutely fabulous purple Koigu KPPPM. I have some pretty green hand dyed sock yarn that hopefully will become socks as well, but its time to interrupt my everyday knitting for the mad christmas gift rush.....being particularly ambitious, i'm hoping to knit a handmade xmas gift for everyone on my list....insane? why yes i am, but they say admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery....in the case of knitting though, i think not....
On this year's agenda:
dad: grey cabled dress socks from the nifty new "Son of Stitch n Bitch"...gotta pick up some grey Dale Baby Ull this week.
mom: candy cane lace socks, in burgundy knitpicks essential
ryan: not sure about this one, thinking maybe a hat, knit in case school colors?
and, several other gifts, which shall need to remain a secret cause the recipients may or may not be reading this blog....
moral of the story is: i've got a shit ton of knitting to get done in the next 40-ish days. *cries*