Wednesday, June 6, 2007

And it Begins......

Here is attempt 2.0 of me having an online blog....the other one got way too personal and ended up purely being a place for me to whine about personal problems......which kinda takes the fun out of things, eh?

So, now that i am about a minute and a half away from being no longer a college student, I figured it was time to do something new.....and talk about something happier.....which just so happens to be my love of crafts....

Sadly, crafting took a backseat to school for the past 4 years, but now that I will hopefully have a job and free time, and fundage to support my addiction, there should be some things to talk without further ado, away we go....

Current Projects:

I am a chronic non-finisher of crafty things, with about a million half started items of various goals for the summer are to finish most of these and start with clean slate....currently in progress are:

Patchwork quilt---the top is all pieced together, just needs to be stuffed, quilted, and bound off..

Alien Illusion scarf---from stitch and bitch. again almost done, just needs 2 more skeins of yarn.

cute beret hat (LeSlouch)---from a pattern i found online. this is what i'm currently knitting in my apt. down in dayton, should be done hopefully in several days. i'll post pics of that, as well as the hat i just finished.

I think thats all i've got for now, once I go home and take stock of the madness that is my old bedroom I'm sure I'll be singing a different tune.

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